How to counter Increasing Debt, Rising Costs, and Declining Enrollment


Charitable Endowments

The Big Myth in Institutional Advancement circles is that mostly RICH people fund endowments. Find out how a collaboration of bankers, estate attorneys, realtors, stock brokers, insurance associates and financial planners can identify regular folk you can help, who will in turn contribute greatly to your long term funding. There is a hidden treasure out there if you reach out to find it.

Untapped Resources

Every Campus is unique. Unique in their location, infrastructure, design and staffing.
Maybe you have already developed programs to take advantage of some of your resources. Find out how you can enhance the use of your classrooms, gym, cafeteria, community center, playground, tech equipment, exceptional staff and more.
See your campus through different eyes.

Targeted Recruiting

To be honest, many schools are after the same students. Recruitment can be a competitive enterprise. What if you found an unexpected pool of eligible, qualified and eager students?